Sunday, May 13, 2007

Tagged with a Meme

Well, Ms. Debra tagged me last week. I'm just now getting around to her meme.

Even more than you wanted to know about me:

1. I am such a creature of habit. Got to have my cup of Joe every morning, or it's a bad morning, if you know what I mean. Fortunately, I married a coffee addict as well. And hey, Starbucks is within walking distance! You can't beat that.

2. I used to be a "disc jockey" back in the '80's. It was a top 40 station at the time with a living legend, and doing overnights in front of him.Fairly intimidating. But he's been around forever. Jocks are now called "AP"'s (On Air Personality). Disc jockey then meant you cued up your own records, did your own commercials, and filled out your logs. I'm not sure if they even use logs anymore. Hunnybunny was a jock, too. He worked for was a Christian stations.
This is the job I still dream about at night. If it's been a long day, I have dreamed of picking out records, doing commercials, and actually talking on the air. I guess I still miss it, but I'm a little old to go back. Once you've been in radio, it's like a's in your blood and it never goes away.

3. I have this thing about the ocean. I want to live there someday. Don't know if I'll get to. What's funny is that the boys don't really care for it much.

4. This is the first time I've ever been "unemployed"...since I was 15! That is, going to a formal job, not keeping children like I do now. I really like it. But it took a lot of getting used to. The little boy I keep, (The Amazing Jo-Jo) will be off to preschool with the Dyl Pickle this fall. His newborn brother, Idgy, will be coming in June. So, three days a week I'll have one, and two days a week I'll have 3!

5. It's killing me watching the Rock Star get more mature. His voice is changing, he's getting a mustache, and truthfully, he really doesn't NEED me. He just chooses me, and that's pretty cool.

6. The Legal Adult has really come full circle. I'm so proud of him. I was proud of him, anyway, but he didn't believe it. He turns 22 on Monday, and I'm feeling a little nostalgic about my baby. I was just a kid when I had him, (21 about to be 22)and now he's half my age.

Anyway, that's all I can think of.


  1. I love Starbucks too, but there are none nearby--can you imagine that! I have discovered the little cans from the grocery though. Double Shots--and we keep a plentiful supply on hand.

  2. I know what you mean about your sons growing up--it's a tough pill to swallow for moms. I am really proud of the young man my son is becoming right before my eyes. I always say, "There's a special place in heaven for moms of all boys." I think you qualify too!

    Very cool that you were a DJ!

  3. I never imagined what I am doing today either. I wanted to be a research scientist. God has special plans for our lives. You are never too old to do anything. One of the top DJs on country music is a Granny. You are truly a blessing to the Jo-Jo and Idgy. I guess I am saying this because I believe there is a season for everything in our lives. Be patient, God has us in his hands. My matra is that "God cannot steer a parked car". We all sometimes veer off in the wrong direction, but with him in the driver's seat we will be steer towards his plan.
    PS. I never got your last comment.


  4. I worked in radio for a while too - it was my last job before I decided to stay home with my girls. I worked in promotions though, and mostly threw parties and wrote commercials. Not a bad deal though huh? Lol* I miss that job the most too, because it was the only job I ever had that I was ever able to be creative in. Before that I ran the accounting department for a small printer company. Have I mentioned recently I hate math? Lol*

  5. Starbucks is a fav of mine too:-). Happy belated b-day to your oldest. That's soo cool you were a DJ .
    Have a great day!
