Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thinking about........

Nursing school! I can see some of you out there....scratching your heads, wondering if I have truly lost it. Just to remind you, that happened LONG AGO, so this isn't a "mental distrubance" as Paulie asked Rocky in the last Rocky film. I've actually been entertaining this thought for a long while, like maybe 1992 or so. Wait, no, even longer than that. My mother BEGGED me to consider nursing school as I was graduating from high school back in 1980. But no, I couldn't possibly do something she thought was a good idea. My best friend in high school, Dee, went on to nursing school and did great. She makes good money, and works her hiney off three days a week as a supervisor. She also has more degrees than you can shake a stick at. In college, I was working in the school infirmary on college work-study. So, some of it will be familiar.
Back in 1997, as a single parent returning to school, I had considered it. Childcare was the major issue, and I was already having a hard time juggling work and paralegal school.
The question has been asked of me: "Why don't you just go back into the legal field?" Truthfully, I didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped. Erin Brocovich made it seem like such a great career move as she spent time interviewing people in the movie. As a paralegal, I hardly interacted with the public. Pleadings, letters, phone calls, but no one on one. These past five years at home, well....sort of...have given me time to think about what I'd like to do. I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to do anything where I had to sit still all day.
I'm still praying about it. I don't want to make an expensive mistake. I went ahead and applied at a community college here, and have requested my transcripts to be evaluated. I'm fairly certain most of them from my A.A. will transfer, except for the Algebra grade....I BARELY passed that class.
Classes start in January, and some are online. We will just see how it all works out.


Gari in AL said...

I would say, "Go for it!" My daughter, 40, is finishing her nursing degree this December. My mother finished her's when she was 62. It is never to late unless you never start. Go for it!

Kay said...

What a decision! Good luck. I'd say there are many good reasons to do this, although of course only you can decide.

Anonymous said...

The "inferno" lives on!


Anonymous said...

You were cool and calm with the medical stuff at the infirmary. Pray about it, and go for it if the Lord gives the green light.


Anonymous said...

Tough decision. The profession will be enhanced by your inclusion, and you will always have a job. Just be sure you feel passionate about it--it's a hard job that requires giving and caretaking, something you already do a lot of. You know you can do it, and so do I!

Kim said...

I graduated from nursing school when I was 30....went through school with a 5 year old and pregnant.....ugh it was hard. Then onto a critical care internship for 18 was hard work and I loved it. It was great to prove to myself I could do it too. Worked for many divorced.......remarried don't need the I don't work. But I'll always be a RN!

Good luck with the decision......
Happy Thanksgiving

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

How is that nursing school going? I'm going for the same thing! :) I didn't do well in algebra either but you don't need a ton of it, just a few basic courses, and I don't think it's too bad. It's so tough for me right now too because I have little ones and I hate hate hate sending them to daycare. Luckily my oldest is in grade school and so it works out my youngest only has to go for about an hour three times a week. Not too bad, and hopefully we'll make lots of money for fabric shopping when we're done!!! :) Good luck!