Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weird, Weird, and triple weird!

That's the kind of day it's been. I stayed home from church today because I didn't feel too great and began to work on my QOV. Imagine someone in their own sewing room, minding their own business, singing (off key) along with the Beatles in her MP3. In walks the Legal Adult....

"Hey, Mom...." big smile. Kind of like that whole southern thing, "Bless her heart, she's just totally tone deaf!" Now, he didn't say that. But his smartalec smile did. And carrying a laundry basket. Guess what he wants to do? Then, in walks my ex husband. Oh, yeah, that's what I really want, my ex-husband, and all three of my boys in my bedroom while I'm quilting. Unfortunately, that's where the computer is. LA is reading his myspace, Rockstar is playing Z.Z. Topp on his guitar, and The Pickle comes running up to my ex and sits on his lap. (They aren't related, BTW.)Not to mention, my room is trashed as I've been working on this project. Ex-husband sits on my bed and starts yammering about some artist he wants to study under. And we get to talking about funerals, most specifically his. We had jointly owned a plot together in Tennessee and it goes to the first person who needs it. However, he's from Missouri, so I wondered if he wanted to be buried there or at our plot.

"You gave me that plot in the divorce degree." He stated matter of factly.
So, I reached in the file drawer and GOT the divorce decree. He claimed there were missing pages. Sigh...whatever. It was not the way I wanted to spend my Sunday afternoon. Now all three boys, ex-husband and Hunnybunny are watching "Happy Feet" in the other room while the Legal Adult's clothes dry. Maybe I'm just
but that's just too weird!


Corie said...

Well, that is a lil weird. At least they were watching Happy Feet and not a super long movie, which I cannot think of an example of at the moment... but you know, one of those movies that is 3+ hours and you need to stop it 5 times for bathroom breaks.... :)

Samantha said...

that does sound like a weird sunday!

Katie said...

Yep...I'd be quilting too!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like one strange scene. I hope things are back to normal now.
