...and considering Father Time has been on me all year, I'm looking forward to 2009. I would say, "Can things get any worse?" But sure as I do, things will get worse. And I just don't want to jinx it.
My Top Ten highlights from 2008:
10.The long-awaited Dark Knight came into theaters. Unfortunately,in January, Heath Ledger died. That was really sad. So young.
9. Met Jim Caviezel in April.
8. Got to see my husband more in 4 months (with his new job) than in the two years he was with his other job.
7. Watched as America elected a new president.
6. Finished the Boy Scout Quilt for Chip.
5. Finished the quilt top for "Stars Fell on Alabama" quilt for Grandma Hunnybunny.
4. Reconnected with a lot of old friends on Facebook.
3. Got a Minnesota Treadle from 1904 for $10!
2. Watched The Legal Adult become gainfully employed.
1. Put another son in kindergarten and lived to tell the tale.
By the way, I hope and pray for your family a Happy New Year!